PIP Recipients May Backdate Additional Benefits to the Start of Their Award

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DWP PIP Claim Form
PIP Recipients May Backdate Additional Benefits to the Start of Their Award | en.Econostrum.info - United States

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can assist people over the age of 16 and under State Pension age with the additional financial expenses for hundreds of health conditions or disabilities, which may be physical, sensory, mental, intellectual or cognitive, or any combination of these.

Understanding PIP Benefits and Access to Additional Support

The most recent figures from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) show that over 3.5million individuals all over Great Britain, including nearly 219,000 residing in Scotland, were receiving PIP at the end of January. A successful PIP claim is currently worth between £28.70 and £184.30 per week to provide assistance with the extra costs of daily living and mobility needs.

Nevertheless, a PIP award may enable recipients to have access to means-tested benefits even if their previous claims have been rejected. Additionally, as outlined in the PIP Handbook on GOV.UK, it is also possible to backdate certain benefits to the start of the PIP award.

Entitlement to PIP or Adult Disability Payment (ADP) in Scotland, serves as a gateway to other benefits, like Carer’s Allowance, and schemes such as the Blue Badge.

The guidance notes that while many benefits and schemes have additional qualifying conditions, some, including the Blue Badge, offer alternative ways to access benefits that don’t depend on a specific rate or component of PIP, or ADP.

The guidance states : “For DWP benefits, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction, we share information to enable claimants to automatically access other disability benefits and services.

“However, claimants should inform other benefit offices about their entitlement to make sure they’re paid the correct amounts, particularly if there are any changes in their circumstances and awards.”

DWP added that in most cases, claimants will need to use their PIP award letter as evidence of entitlement. The guidance also mentions that carers can claim Income Support for up to 26 weeks during the PIP assessment period, and many carers may continue claiming Income Support after PIP is granted.

Benefits that Could be Accessed with a PIP Award

Even i you may not qualify for any or all of these benefits, it’s worthwhile to check and ensure you are not missing out on extra support.

  • Universal Credit.
  • Carer’s Credit.
  • Employment and Support Allowance — only if you get the PIP daily living component.
  • Income Support.
  • Council Tax Discount.
  • Housing Benefit.
  • Child Tax Credit — new claims are now replaced by Universal Credit.
  • Pension Credit — only if you get the PIP daily living component.
  • Working Tax Credit — new claims replaced by Universal Credit.
  • Access to Work.
  • Carer’s Allowance.
  • Council Tax Reduction.
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance.

Where to Seek Help

Anyone who has already applied for PIP or has questions about their award and what other they may qualify should ring the Disability Service Centre.

You can reach out to them for advice or information regarding a claim you’ve made for PIP, Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Attendance Allowance.

Adult Disability Payment

Adult Disability Payment is a health benefit in Scotland for people aged between 16 and State Pension age, who are disabled, have a chronic physical or mental health condition or have a terminal illness.

How to apply for Adult Disability Payment

To submit an application for ADP, you can do so over the phone, by post or in-person. For more information on how to apply, visit the dedicated website on mygov.scot here or ring Social Security Scotland on 0800 182 2222.

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2 thoughts on “PIP Recipients May Backdate Additional Benefits to the Start of Their Award”

  1. Im now on pip for both daily living and mobility but i only got mobility when i first got pip so is it worth me asking about the new rules and maybe getting the back dated care part ive just passed my review and get pip until 2027 when ill get my next review…it wont affect my pip awards if i ask if im owed backdated pip money will it??

  2. What about the extra cost of living payment people were getting last year. I was awarded my pip claim from April 20 2023 but didn’t receive my entitlement until may this year?
    I was on limited work related activities but didn’t get extra for that either.
    Anyone know what I should be entitled to

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