PIP and DLA Claimants: Two Major Payments Scheduled for December Ahead of 2025 Reform

This December, PIP and DLA claimants will see two notable changes to their payments, including an unanticipated shift in dates. With significant reforms scheduled for 2025, these adjustments represent the initial phase of a larger transformation.

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A Women Holding Pension Benefits Payments From The Gov
PIP and DLA Claimants: Two Major Payments Scheduled for December Ahead of 2025 Reform | en.Econostrum.info - United States

Claimants of PIP (Personal Independence Payment), DLA (Disability Living Allowance), and other benefits will experience two key payment changes this December, ahead of the expected reforms in Spring 2025. These adjustments come amid growing uncertainty surrounding a potential crackdown on disability benefits, as well as incapacity payments available alongside Universal Credit for those with ‘limited capability for work.’

The £10 Christmas Bonus: A Small Gesture, but Long Overdue

As part of the annual tradition, claimants will receive the £10 Christmas bonus this week. The bonus may appear separately in accounts with the code DWP XB, or it may simply be added to the next benefit payment, with some claimants already receiving it alongside their Carer’s Allowance this Monday.

Introduced in 1972, the bonus has been a longstanding feature, yet many believe it is no longer fit for purpose. Had it kept pace with inflation, it would now be worth more than £115. Although the bonus provides a small amount of relief, it raises questions about its adequacy in today’s economic climate.

Changes to Payment Dates Due to Festive Bank Holidays

Because of the Christmas and New Year bank holidays, several payments will be brought forward to ensure that beneficiaries receive their funds on time:

  • Payments that were due on 25th December and 26th December will be made on 24th December, in line with the closure of banking services over Christmas.
  • Payments due on 1st January will be made on 31st December instead.

This advance scheduling ensures that recipients are not left waiting during the festive period.

A Major Overhaul on the Horizon for 2025

While the immediate changes to payments are relatively straightforward, a much larger overhaul of disability benefits is expected in 2025. The opposition Labour Party has outlined plans to reform the system significantly, with a focus on encouraging recipients to return to work.

Under the proposed reforms, the current work capability assessment—which determines whether someone is exempt from work due to a health condition or disability and eligible for an additional £416 per month on top of their Universal Credit—could be scrapped altogether, as was previously suggested by the Conservatives.

Here are the complete details of all the updated payment schedules for December and January:

Original Payment Date New Payment Date Description
25th December 24th December Payment brought forward due to Christmas Day
26th December 24th December Payment brought forward due to Boxing Day
1st January 31st December Payment brought forward due to New Year’s Day

Labour’s new Get Britain Working white paper outlines its vision for the future, confirming that a large-scale shake-up is on the way: “We are committed to reforming the system of health and disability benefits so that it promotes and enables employment among as many people as possible. The system must also work to reduce poverty for disabled people and those with health conditions and support disabled people to live independently. It is also vital to ensure that the system is financially sustainable in the long term.”

This document also indicates that public consultation will be a key part of the reform process: “So, alongside our Get Britain Working white paper, we want to engage with disabled people, and others with expertise and experience on these issues, to consider how to address these challenges and build a better system. We will be working to develop proposals for long-term reform in the months ahead and will set them out for further consultation and engagement in a Green Paper in spring 2025.”

These forthcoming reforms will no doubt bring significant changes to the way disability benefits operate, and many beneficiaries are already expressing concern about potential cuts or job requirements that may come with the proposed changes.

16 thoughts on “PIP and DLA Claimants: Two Major Payments Scheduled for December Ahead of 2025 Reform”

  1. I can’t believe how we as sevely disabled people are treated. The cost of living in this country leaves us extremely cold and hungry. Nobody should have to put up with being treated so bad . If you have no family this time of year just means going with out even more. This country and the politicians just don’t care. Being cold and hungry and in pain from your disabilities has become the normal thing for us now. Thank you sir Kier Stammer.

  2. This government have not s clue . About dis ability . They have been out of government for too long . As for our PM Starmer . Well words fail me .

  3. Why should anyone care about the population in UK as the rich government will not be cold and hungry over the festive season

  4. If my health allowed me to work I would
    Look at how many youngsters ate on benefits and they sit around doing drugs and drinking all day.
    Perfectly healthy just lazy cut there money and get them into work
    I frezze in the cold as I can’t afford heating and I don’t eat much as I need a special diet and can’t afford the proper food I need
    Just so wrong how we are treated like we just don’t matter

  5. I really can believe this everything the government does is not to better the people it’s to better themselves and it’s us the people who have to suffer for it let me tell yous this that yous forget who puts yous in power in the elections and it’s us who can take yous out of power yous are not playing fair to the people of the United kingdom people are still struggling in this day and age it’s a,choice neither of which is appropriate weather you eat or heat your home tell me where is the fairness there no one in this day and age should have to make that difficult decision then your talking of cutting people’s benefits for us who are disabled cause of our conditions maybe if yous stop short cutting people and give people the cure foe there conditions for people know yous make money of people’s suffering call yourselves good leaders yous are keeping people sick and in this condition yous don’t want to give the cure to people for once there cured you won’t make money of them how sick is that why dosnt the government care foe the people instead of lining your own pockets us people have rights yous are going against are human rights yous don’t care about people as long as yous are ok then no one else matters we have seen our government fail and fail time and time again the reason for that is cause yous have lost the respect of the people by thinking yous are doing wots right by the people when yous don’t have a clue wot people go threw from day to day all yous do is sit and squabble amongst yourselves in Parliament people demand fair treatment more money on there benefits and Jobs rase the benefits more in stead of £10 that wouldn’t even buy you a month food or heat it’s not beneficial rise it alot more even the cost of living is not of much help for people still struggling to pay there bills heat there hones have food this is not fair on us but yous are all OK yous have money yous have food yous have heat yous pay your bills wot about the people where is the fairness where is it???

  6. Sir Keir Starmer needs to try living on what pensioners get it’s disgusting he cut the winter fuel payments..He has plenty of money and he has private health care, pensioners have to manage with a broken NHS system and having to choose between heating their home or eating. There are 80 and 90 year olds struggling who have no family. Have you no shame you’re a disgrace. The pms should cast a vote of no confidence in your goverment and have a new General election and get rid of you and and all your labour buddies..

  7. As a woman with mobility issues.. I suffer from fibromyalgia (my body is riddled), scoliosis, lumbago, sciatica, seizures, blackouts, loss of sight… it has left me wheelchair bound and you are wanting people like me to work? How about you try living on the money the pensioners and disabled get? It is sickening

  8. I have worked all my life until I was diagnosed with cancer 12 years ago. I had to have surgery and it was during this surgery that changed my life forever. The surgeon cut a main artery in my groin which took 10 hours to just stop the bleeding. This left me with a permanent injury and permanent nerve damage to my legs. I could no longer walk properly and now have to use walking aids. I live on morphine and other medication for the pain I am constantly in as a result of the mess I was left in during my surgery. I could no longer work. I was advised by my job centre to claim PIP which I became entitled to . I would give up every penny if it meant I could walk, work and be pain free but sadly this is not the case. I do not go out, I do not drink or smoke. I do not buy anything for myself. I just live, live with immense pain every single day. I just would like the government to live 24 hours of my life and then tell me I should not be claiming PIP. For the past 2 years we as disabled people have been living on egg shells not knowing if our benefits are going to be ripped away from us. We don’t ask to be disabled but we have to live disabled. Stop going for the most vulnerable in our society and think long and hard before making ridiculous statements about forcing disabled people into work or stopping their benefit. We need these benefits just to be able to live. We have higher bills than non disabled people and it’s so unfair to live like this not knowing what is going to happen within the next year.

  9. I’m sorry to say it but it were you fools that put Labour into Government. So we now have to deal what YOU have done to us!!! Let’s hope you have learnt your lesson and vote them OUT next time.

  10. Why on earth do they keep saying that bank Holiday payments are brought forward. They have been for many years. As is the £10 supposed bonus. We get the article about the benefit date changes everything we have a bank Holiday. Please stop wasting time and money on these articles

  11. this is a absolute joke a broken system a broken government this is horrendous how the disabled and pensioners are being treated in our country just lost for words !!!

  12. this is absolutely horrendous how we as disabled people are being treated and as well as pensioners left cold hungry vital funds being taken from us while you all live the whole life I’m ashamed of our government all this is doing will be doing so causing the already unwell to be caused stress and panic and worry well done

  13. I would gladly work, I’ve worked in the past. Until my mental health had a major decline after major trauma (which I’m still waiting for therapy) yrs down the line because waiting lists are backlogged. I however on some of my good days volunteer for a couple hours when I can

  14. I have mental health issues anxiety depression and ptsd. Got pip via appeal but had to fight and go to hearing for it . I dont like my life situation hate it. If i felt i could work i would no one would employ me knowing im regulary awake in the early hours from nightmares due to trauma . The government i feel does not want to recognise mental health.

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