Final January Social Security Payment: Are You on the List to Receive It?

Who’s next in line for the final Social Security payment of January 2025? With most retirees already receiving their checks, one group remains to be paid. Plus, an extra payment is set to arrive sooner than expected.

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Social Security Payment
Final January Social Security Payment: Are You on the List to Receive It? | - United States

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is set to complete its January 2025 payment schedule, ensuring that all retirees, regardless of their group, receive their checks. For the majority, payments have already been processed and delivered, with only a specific group of beneficiaries remaining to be paid in the coming days.

Breakdown of Social Security Payments in January

Payments for January 2025 were distributed in accordance with beneficiaries’ birth dates and retirement eligibility dates:

  1. Group 1: Retirees with birthdays between the 1st and 10th received their payments on January 3rd.
  2. Group 2: Those with birthdays between the 11th and 20th were paid on January 8th.
  3. Group 3: Individuals born between the 21st and 31st received their payments on January 15th.
  4. Final Group: Beneficiaries with birthdays between the 21st and 31st, who began receiving benefits after May 1997, will receive their payments in the coming week, marking the conclusion of January’s schedule.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Checks

Adding to this month’s schedule, the SSA will issue Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments on January 31st. This disbursement technically belongs to February’s payment calendar but is being processed early to accommodate recipients. These payments supplement regular Social Security benefits, providing additional financial support to qualifying individuals.

Who Will Receive the Last January Payment?

The final January Social Security check will go to:

  • Retirees born between the 21st and 31st of any month, and
  • Those who became eligible for benefits after May 1997.

If you fall into this category, expect your check to arrive before the end of the month.

Key Details About Social Security Payments

The timing of payments depends solely on birth dates and the year a beneficiary began receiving Social Security, not the age of retirement or the benefit amount. Beneficiaries can rest assured knowing the SSA follows a consistent and predictable payment schedule.

Looking ahead, February’s payments will begin promptly on February 3rd, focusing initially on retirees with pre-May 1997 benefits.

With all January payments wrapping up, beneficiaries can count on a smooth transition into February’s distribution timeline.

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