According to the DWP, proposed changes to Personal Independence Payment (PIP) outlined in a recent consultation have received “mixed” feedback, with some responses described as “consistently negative.”
Rising PIP Claims Spark Questions on Government Plans for Welfare Reform
PIP claims are now at an all-time high, with over 3.6 million people across Great Britain receiving up to £737.20 in monthly financial support, reports Daily Record.
SNP’s Chris Law asked the DWP whether the UK government plans to implement proposals from the ‘Modernising Assistance for Independent Living: The Health and Disability Green Paper,’ introduced by the previous Conservative administration in April. The consultation suggested welfare reforms, including replacing PIP cash payments with options like vouchers, one-time awards, a receipt-based system, or choosing support items from a catalogue.
Other recommendations involve changing the requirements to qualify for PIP, revisiting the assessment process, and shifting PIP costs to the NHS and local councils.
Minister Highlights Public Response to PIP Reform Proposals Amid Consultation Findings
Earlier this week, Minister for Social Security and Disabilities, Sir Stephen Timms, revealed in a written response to Dundee Central MP Chris Law that over 16,000 responses were received during the 12-week consultation period, which ended on July 22.
He went on to say: “This demonstrates the depth of feeling about the previous Government’s proposals. I thank the British public, as well as the numerous charities and organisations who responded on behalf of their members, for the time and effort taken to share their thoughts and views.
“Whilst engaging with responses, I can confirm that responses to the set of proposals on the reform of Personal Independence Payments was mixed and for some proposals consistently negative.”
Mr Timms also mentioned that they will outline their own plans for social security in due course and reaffirmed their ongoing commitment to collaborating with disabled people, ensuring that their views and voices remain central to their work.
Parliament is currently in recess until Monday, October 7, because of party conference season. However, that date is also when the next DWP oral questions session is scheduled in the House of Lords. This will mark the first time the new ministerial team, led by Liz Kendall, faces questions from the opposition, potentially offering millions of PIP claimants an update on the proposals outlined in the Green Paper.
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Don’t know how this will work so worried I pay gas and electric and water bill out of my pip use Dial a ride can’t use vouchers for this
Don’t won’t voucher
This government will not be happy until they have full control over us. It’s becoming to be more like a dictatorship what ever happened to freedom of choice we are human beings not the governments property.
Whilst your proposal of changing proposal to a voucher system how will that help those who use there pio to help with heating, food,etc it seems that whilst the government want to change things it’s not looking at the broader picture whilst I appreciate that your trying to cut back on finances is this like the winter fuel payments really necessary at a time when everything has gone up yet people still expected to manage???.
I don’t agree with vouchers does suit everyone who is terminal
I do not see how this voucher scheme will work and has clearly not been thought through properly. My son has paranoid schizophrenia. His condition will not change, get better or benefit from vouchers. He cannot use public transport due to his extreme paranoia and the voices in his head increase at an alarming rate. He therefore has to rely on taxis to get about when needed. I think that the government should be focusing on the high percentage of people claiming pip who are expected to get better in a short period of time. I believe that it was stated that only 8 per cent of people who receive pip are more likely to need it for much longer, and 73 per cent of people who receive pip, are expected to make a full recovery within a year! It’s a no brainer surely?? I also came across a video a gentleman put up on social media who received an email from a former pip assessor. This person stated that any claim they assessed that didn’t have any written evidence from health professionals should be scored nothing at all, but any claims from asylum seekers should be fast tracked and given enhanced rates of pip. Need I say more? Things are only going to get worse and it is the people who really need this help who are going to suffer.
We will be stigmatised if they change pip payments to vouchers
How can they justify vouchers instead of cash certain disabled people will not be able to get what they need for example blind people won’t be able to use vouchers to get aids or talking equipment to help them with everyday needs which means they will have to pay people to come cook ectra and those people are not going to accept payments in vouchers it’s an absolute disgrace just another way for the government to discriminate against disabilities
Choose what. This government is going to take the pip money. Nothing is going to happen with the vouchers and trying to claim for anything will be impossible and that money will be gone. Iv seen this before with the education department.
My house needs this money he gets to hospital appointments and doctors appointments and awer else he needs to travel and to keep him warm because he as got 2 types of cancer so vouchers would be no good
I am on pip I struggle to mix with people how will I manage
Absolutely disgusting..Imhere angonising how im gunna manage paying my bills with vouchers…basically I can’t.. its gunna hurt the economy as most of us put it back as we spend…we should also have the right to spend our money as we seem fit just like someone who earns there money…its down right discrimination…shame on the government…but they don’t care
I think vouchers are wrong if you need to get your own car then you can’t unless you get a mobility car which is never your own
Rrhey giving the money to them that shouldn’t be in this country
Once again the disabled are criminalised, and Oaps are targeted. Us people didn’t ask to be disabled and can’t control getting old. But we are humans and the government is attacking us.i didn’t vote for this . So cruel !!!!
It’s totally degrading for Disabled people many will go without help because they feel ashamed of themselves to ask vouchers is definitely a bad idea many disabled will go without food gas/electric etc the government should be ashamed of themselves to even think vouchers will help its ok for the likes of sunak to think of this outrageous idea he lives like a king disabled people are living like paupers
What good are vouchers to people, what right have the government got to tell people what and how to spend money it’s disgusting. Disabled doesn’t mean stupid let people decide how to spend money boils my blood how it’s always the worst off of the population that get targeted the disabled and the oaps ,kids,need more looking after not less, the government need to pick on the rich for a change not the poor. My pip is my only personal income I have I’m not entitled to anything else because my husband works. Why pay tax all your life ? Because when it comes to needing help later in life there is none or very little and now they want to mess with that . People dnt want to be disabled it’s not fun. This government are frightening people and making them worry on top of everything they already have to live with day by day they should be ashamed of themselves