DWP Issues New Update for People Over State Pension Age Making Claims for Attendance Allowance

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DWP Issues New Update for People Over State Pension Age Making Claims for Attendance Allowance | en.Econostrum.info - United States

According to the latest figures from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the total number of people receiving additional financial support through Attendance Allowance almost hit 1.6 million by the end of November 2023.

This marks an increase of 46,098 on the number of individuals claiming the non-means tested benefit during the previous quarter ending in August 2023.

The DWP Provides a New Update for People Over State Pension Applying for Attendance Allowance

For anyone considering submitting a new application throughout the summer, new instructions available at the GOV.UK Webpage now include that the new online service will only agree to receive a “limited number of applications each week”.

It’s crucial to note that you cannot use a smartphone or tablet while submitting an online application, as a desktop or laptop computer are best options.

It is also possible to apply through the post by printing and submitting the Attendance Allowance application form on GOV.UK, or by calling the helpline on 0800 731 0122 to ask for one.

For those submitting an application by post, the DWP has updated the guidance the previous week to help claimants remember not to “write anything except the Freepost address on the envelope”. They also stated that it does not require a postcode or a stamp.

Attendance Allowance currently valued at either £72.65 (lower rate) or £108.55 (higher rate) per week and since the benefit is usually issued every four weeks, this totals either £290.60 or £434.20 each pay period — some £5,644.60 over the 2024/25 fiscal year.

The amount someone gets depends on the level of support required, and the benefit is provided to help people of State Pension age with their daily expenses and can also help them remain independent in their own home. It’s important to know that t no mobility component is attached to Attendance Allowance.

Ten Most-claimed Conditions Supported by Attendance Allowance

The ten conditions listed hereunder currently support 1,165,693 (74%) of the 1.6m total number of individuals receiving Attendance Allowance. Health conditions are derived from data recorded on the DWP’s Attendance Allowance computer system.

Main health conditions and number of claimants across Great Britain

Arthritis 449,077
Dementia 163,520
Heart Disease 115,167
Respiratory Conditions 95,144
Disease Of The Muscles, Bones, or Joints 79,277
Cerebrovascular Disease 71,833
Back Pain 68,825
Visual Disorders and Diseases 48,695
Parkinson’s 41,464
Neurological Conditions 32,691

Who Can Claim Attendance Allowance?

You can apply for Attendance Allowance if you have a disability or illness and require help or supervision throughout the day or during the night — even if you don’t presently get that assistance.

This may include:

  • Help with your self-care — for instance putting clothes on, eating or drinking, getting in and out of bed, taking a bath or showering and using the restroom.
  • Help in staying safe.

It is also advisable to apply if you find it hard to accomplish personal tasks, if they take you a long time or cause you physical pain.

It is also worth noting that Attendance Allowance isn’t only designed for people with a physical disability or illness; you can also submit an application if you struggle with mental health issues, learning difficulties or a sensory condition (if you are deaf or visually impaired).

How Much You Could Get on Attendance Allowance

You could receive either £72.65 (lower rate) or £108.55 (higher rate) each week. This amounts to either £290.60 or £434.20 every pay period.

You are free to spend the money that you get however you like, you can for instance use it to stay independent in your own home for longer.

This may include:

  • Covering taxi costs
  • Helping with bills
  • Paying for a cleaner or gardener

How to Claim Attendance Allowance

In order to make a claim for Attendance Allowance, you will need to complete a long form which can seem discouraging at first, but help is available from your closest Citizens Advice.

If you prefer doing it yourself, you can rely on the Citizens Advice instructions on how to fill in your claim available here. All the necessary details, including how to get the application form via post or over the phone, can be found on the GOV.UK website here.

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