DWP Reveals Eligibility to Receive £550 Household Support Fund for Struggling Families

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Dwp Reveals Eligibility For £550 Household Support Fund For Struggling Families
DWP Reveals Eligibility to Receive £550 Household Support Fund for Struggling Families | en.Econostrum.info - United States

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has provided a full overview of the eligibility criteria for the recently extended Household Support Fund.

The extension, which runs until the end of September, aims to help thousands of households across the country cope with the escalating cost of living.

The Household Support Fund is designed to provide additional financial assistance to households facing essential expenses due to the rising cost of living.

It covers a range of needs such as food, utilities (including gas, electricity and water) and essential energy and water items such as warm clothing and boiler repairs.

Household Support Fund Eligibility and Grant

The amount of support available varies from one local authority to another, reflecting the diverse needs of their respective communities.

The DWP is committed to providing these authorities with data to identify residents in need of assistance. Potential beneficiaries include:

  • Universal Credit claimants
  • Recipients of Guarantee Credit and/or Savings Credit elements of Pension Credit
  • Housing benefit recipients
  • Individuals earning below the thresholds for free school meals and free prescriptions
  • Recipients of income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

Communities are encouraged to seek further information from community leaders such as social workers, housing officers and key workers involved in early help and family support initiatives.

Inclusive Support

The DWP stresses that the fund is designed to help a wide range of households, including pensioners, single person households, families with children of all ages and people facing unexpected financial crises. Particular attention is being paid to:

  • Disabled individuals requiring additional support
  • Care leavers
  • Carers

The DWP pointed out the particular challenges faced by care leavers, who often do not have the family networks and financial or emotional support systems that others might rely on.

Authorities are advised to extend their support to people with caring responsibilities, who may face additional costs for heating, water or transport.

Community-Specific Support Levels

Financial expert Andy Wood noted that the level of support varies considerably from one local authority to another. For instance:

  • Leeds: £100 payments
  • Stockport: £315 payments
  • South Ribble: £350 payments
  • Lancashire: £250 payments
  • East Riding: £200 payments
  • Shropshire: £400 payments
  • Waverley: £550 payments

However, the fund does not cover mortgage repayments. People facing mortgage repayment difficulties are advised to contact their lender to consider other solutions.

By extending the Household Support Fund, the DWP aims to ease the financial burden on vulnerable households, ensuring they have the help they need to manage their essential living costs in these difficult times.

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