Drivers Could Be Required to Retake Tests Every Three Years to Keep Their Licences

Drivers might need to retake tests every three years to keep their licences. This change is meant to make sure all drivers, especially older ones, are still safe and skilled at driving as they get older.

Portrait of Lydia Amazouz, a young woman with dark hair tied back, wearing glasses and a striped blue and white shirt, against a solid coral background.
By Lydia Amazouz Published on 2 October 2024 08:30
Driving Instructor Teaching A Woman How To Drive
Drivers Could Be Required to Retake Tests Every Three Years to Keep Their Licences - ©

Older drivers may have to take a test every three years to keep their driving licence, but it will be optional. Many older drivers are choosing to take tests before renewing their licences to assess their driving skills.

Retaking Driving Tests Could Boost Confidence in Older Drivers

IAM RoadSmart, which used to be known as the Institute of Advanced Motorists, says a personal driving assessment can boost confidence for those behind the wheel. It can help drivers over 70, born before 1954, decide whether to keep driving or give up their licence, reports BirminghamLive.

IAM RoadSmart explained that “all UK driving licences expire when the holder reaches 70,” but added that this doesn’t mean drivers must stop driving at that age. They can simply renew their driving licence with the DVLA to continue driving, and will need to renew it every three years after that.

“For many drivers, knowing whether or not to renew their licence is an easy decision. However, one-to-one driving reviews can offer that extra level of confidence that you’re making the right choice." Some drivers even choose to have an older driver assessment every three years to coincide with their licence renewal dates.

The Role of Driving Assessments in Ensuring Safety for Older Drivers

IAM RoadSmart also mentioned that an independent older driver assessment can help refresh the skills learned when passing the driving test. For many older drivers, “a review of their driving results can give them a renewed sense of confidence to carry on driving safely for years to come.”

The number of drivers aged 70 and older is expected to double in the next 20 years, and there are currently more than 1 million drivers over 80. Many older drivers support stricter rules for their age group but believe these rules should apply to all drivers, regardless of age.

In addition, 82% of older drivers say that driving is very or extremely important to them, with this percentage being even higher among women.

2 comments on «Drivers Could Be Required to Retake Tests Every Three Years to Keep Their Licences»

  • Pauline Milburn

    I am 71 and my age doesn’t mean I am no longer safe to drive. I am a good driver I find it is the younger people who need to be seen too. They are always flying about over taking when I am doing the speed limit. I am a very confident driver.

  • mr david barry

    just imagine how many testers this idea would need. even now there are not enough testers for the existing system

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