Cost of Living Payments: Thousands of Struggling Households Urged to Apply for Up to £375 Free Cash

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By Lydia Amazouz Published on 23 May 2024 19:05
Cost of Living Payment: DWP benefits, Universal Credit, and Pensions Due in July 2024

Thousands of financially strapped households are urged to apply for free money worth up to £375 in cost of living payments. These payments aim to assist with various living expenses.

The cost of living payments are provided by the Household Support Fund, a massive £500 million fund distributed throughout English authorities.

Hard-up households can then divide the allotment each council has been given.

This implies that, based on where you live, there are differences in what you are entitled to and whether you qualify.

However, if you're vulnerable, receiving specific benefits, or have a low income, you'll usually be in line for assistance.

As of right now, Tandridge Council has made public its latest allocation from the fund.

Who is Eligible for the Proposed Cost of Living Payments?

The Tandridge Council is providing £175 to eligible households without children and £375 to those with children.

After an application is granted, payments will be made by bank transfer within ten to twenty working days.

The council has clarified that additional inspections or failure to provide necessary paperwork may extend the processing time beyond the stated period.

There are several situations in which you may qualify for the cost of living payments, according to the council's website, this comprises:

  • Residents whose children are dependents.
  • Residents who are disabled or have health issues.
  • Households where one or more members are receiving a state pension.
  • Lone parents.
  • People who are homeless or at risk of becoming so, including those residing in transitional housing.
  • Victims of domestic abuse.
  • People leaving care or hospital.
  • Those in the midst of an emergency situation, like a recent flood or fire.

How to Apply for the Cost of Living Scheme?

When the fund opens on June 3, you can apply starting at 10 a.m.
The website of Tandridge Council has an online application that you can submit.

You can visit the council's Oxted offices if you don't have internet connection.

The council's number is 01883 772000.

Before you apply, though, you'll need to have certain paperwork ready.

It is necessary that you supply your:

  • Contact details.
  • Date of birth.
  • National Insurance number.
  • Bank information, including the account number and sort code.
  • Your March through May 2024 bank statements. This needs to display every transaction you make and receive from the account.
  • Information about benefits, savings, or income.

Is it Possible for People Who Reside Outside Tandridge to Apply ?

Yes, is the straightforward response. However, the rights you have differ according to where you reside.

A few councils are using various channels to distribute their portion of the revenue.

For instance, cash payments of up to £80 can be made directly to bank accounts for Cornwall residents.

Some Herefordshire residents may receive up to £500 in cash, and households in Medway may receive up to £225 in grocery vouchers.

It's important to check your eligibility for assistance if you receive benefits or have a low income.

Coventry City Council is now providing homes with up to £140 in free cash.

Get in touch with your local authority to see if any cost of living payments are available and if you qualify.

Keep in mind that you can use the online council finder tool provided by the government to determine which council area you are in.

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Web content writer/ editor with a background in economics.

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4 comments on «Cost of Living Payments: Thousands of Struggling Households Urged to Apply for Up to £375 Free Cash»

  • Denisa Horvathova



    How come me I don’ts have please help

  • Catherine Louise and

    Hello I’m Catherine Louise Worsley from 3 Lynnwood Road Huncoat will I get this cost of living coz I have got health conditions

  • David Matthews

    How do I apply for this cuz I’m in need of any help possible been homeless a few years sleeping wherever I can I need funding to get my own home I’m 40 this year and never owned my own home please can you help me

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