Complete List of Benefits and Payments Exclusive to Those Over State Pension Age

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UK State Pensioner holding cash and coins
Complete List of Benefits and Payments Exclusive to Those Over State Pension Age | - United States

Almost 12.7 million people across the UK have now reached State Pension age; this number includes over 1.1 million residing in Scotland.

Most retirees consider contribution-based benefits as their main income source which currently provides crucial financial assistance of up to £884.80 every month for 2.9 million individuals qualifying for the New State Pension.

Around 9.7 million of retired individuals receive Basic State Pension, a payment worth up to £678 every pay period. For those approaching the official retirement age, it is essential to be aware of the benefits the DWP provides.

Many of those already in receipt of the State Pension payments may not be aware of the different ways that can enable them to significantly increase their income over the next few months.

Benefits People over State Pension Age can Get

Benefits and discounts available for people over state pension age include:

  • Benefits for War Widows and Widowers
  • Health Benefits
  • Help with Council Tax
  • Help with Heating Costs
  • Pension Credit
  • State Pension
  • Travel and TV Benefits

State Pension

When you reach State Pension age and file a claim, you will get a regular taxable income for the rest of your life. You can choose to defer this while you continue working.

The amount you get is not means-tested, but it is determined by the number of qualifying years of National Insurance Contributions or credits you have accumulated.

To receive State Pension payments, you must be at least 10 years old and around 35 for the maximum amount. This may be higher for those who were ‘contracted out.’

Weekly state pension payment rates 2024/35

  • Full New State Pension: £221.20
  • Full Basic State Pension (Category A or B): £169.50

Pension Credit

Pension Credit now provides additional funds for 1.4 million people in the UK, including roughly 127,000 in Scotland, who are above the State Pension age and have a low income. It provides on average more than £3,900 in financial assistance each year.

Use the GOV.UK Pension Credit Calculator for yourself or a family member to ensure you are getting all the financial assistance that you are eligible for to. You can also contact the Pension Credit helpdesk at 0800 99 1234.

Council Tax Assistance

If you own or rent a property, your local government may be able to assist you in paying your Council Tax. For assistance with Council Tax, contact your local council.

Insulation and heating schemes

There are several programs that provide insulation and heating upgrades to make your property more energy efficient. If your home is inadequately insulated or lacks a functioning central heating system, and you receive any of the following income-related benefits, including Pension Credit, you are likely to be eligible.

Health Benefits

Anyone in Scotland is eligible for free prescriptions. Learn more about free dental care and reimbursement for travel to hospital appointments here.

Disability and Care Benefits

People who have disabilities are provided with a number of benefits to help them with their long-term health issues or specific care needs.

The benefits include:

  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Adult Disability Payment
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Attendance Allowance

Travel Concessions

If you are above the age of 60 or disabled, you might want to check if you qualify for travel concessions on the Transport Scotland website.

Free Passport

British citizens born on or before September 2, 1929, might qualify for a free passport. To learn more and find out how to apply, visit the GOV.UK website here.

Free or Discounted TV Licence

People over the state pension age of 65 who are registered as severely sight-impaired or blind may be eligible for a half-price TV licence.

War Widow’s or Widower’s Pension

If your spouse or civil partner died, suffered an injury, or fell ill while serving in Her Majesty’s (HM) Armed Forces or during a period of war prior to April 6, 2005, you may be eligible for a War Widow’s or Widower’s Pension.

If they died or were injured while serving in a conflict after April 6, 2005, you may be eligible for compensation through the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme.

Medical Expenses for War Pensioners

If you require medical treatment due to a handicap sustained while serving in the Armed Forces, you may be eligible for assistance with your medical expenses.

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