Over 300,000 Households Miss Out on £4,338 in Rental Support – Here’s How to Apply!

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Over 300,000 Households Miss Out on £4,338 in Rental Support – Here’s How to Apply! | en.Econostrum.info - United States

Nearly 300,000 households are missing out on £1.2 billion in rental support. According to a new Policy in Practice study, hundreds of thousands of senior citizens are entitled for about £4,338 in housing assistance per year but do not claim it.

Who’s Eligible for Rental Support?

You can only make a new claim for rental support if you comply with one of these conditions:

  • You reached the state pension age (66).
  • You are in subsidised, sheltered, or temporary accommodation.

If you are over the state pension age and reside with your partner, you can file a new claim for housing benefit if any of the following conditions apply:

  • You and your partner have reached the state pension age.
  • One of you has achieved the State Pension age and began claiming pension credit (for you as a couple) before May 15, 2019.
  • You are in subsidised, sheltered, or temporary accommodation.

Typically, you will not receive housing benefits if:

  • Your savings exceed £16,000, unless you receive guarantee credit or pension credit.
  • If you have a mortgage on your own home, you may be eligible for Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI).
  • You reside in the home of a close relative.
  • You reside with your partner, and they already collect housing aid.
  • You have achieved the state pension age, but your live-in partner has not (unless you have an existing claim as a pair before May 15, 2019).

How are These Housing Benefits Calculated?

This type of housing benefit payments may help you pay all or a portion of your rent.

It is calculated based on a variety of parameters, including your rent rate, the type of dwelling you live in, and your personal circumstances, such as household income.

If You Reside in Council or Social Housing

For people living in council or social housing, the amount of housing benefit they receive is determined by their “eligible rent,” which is the rent they pay plus any service costs.

It excludes charges such as energy bills and other utilities.

If you have a spare bedroom, you can claim less. You’ll get 14% fewer of your “eligible rent” if you have an extra bedroom, and 25% if you have two or more.

Certain conditions apply while sharing bedrooms; the following are anticipated to share:

  • An adult couple.
  • Two children under 16 of the same gender.
  • Two children under ten (regardless of gender).

If You Are a Private Renter

For private renters, your “eligible rent” is the lower of your actual rent or the “Local Housing Allowance” rate.

Because this changes depending on where you reside, you should check the local housing allowance rate in your region at www.lha-direct.voa.gov.uk/search.aspx.

How to Apply for Housing Benefits?

You can apply for housing benefits directly through your local council.

Find yours at www.gov.uk/apply-housing-benefit-from-council.

You can also apply for housing benefits as part of your pension credit application.

You will need to give certain information and documentation to back up your claim for Housing Benefit.

If you have this accessible while making your claim, you will receive Housing Benefit faster.

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