16 Popular Cars That Won’t Fit in UK Parking Spaces Anymore – Is Yours on the List?

Parking spaces in Goole are too narrow for many popular cars – but it’s not just a local issue. As modern vehicles keep getting wider, even everyday cars are being squeezed out. Find out which models are left struggling for space and why this problem is spreading across the UK.

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Houses In Menai Bridge, Anglesey, Wales, Uk, Overlooking A Cars Park.
16 Popular Cars That Won’t Fit in UK Parking Spaces Anymore – Is Yours on the List? | en.Econostrum.info - United States

An error in the marking of parking spaces in Goole, East Yorkshire, has highlighted an unexpected issue for local motorists: the parking spaces are now too small for many popular cars. The parking spaces recently redrawn on Pasture Road, which were intended to be 2 metres wide, have in fact been painted at a width of only 1.7 metres. As a result, many modern vehicles, which are now wider, can no longer fit into these spaces, creating frustration and dissatisfaction among residents.

Too Narrow Parking for Modern Vehicles

The redesign of the parking spaces was part of a road resurfacing project. However, the workers responsible for the task made an error by marking the spaces too narrow, leaving insufficient room for many car models. This mistake has sparked complaints from local residents and businesses, with drivers often choosing to avoid parking in these spaces for fear of getting stuck or damaging their vehicles.

Goole’s mayorAnthony Raspin, personally measured the spaces and confirmed that their width did not meet the required minimum standards. He expressed his dismay at the situation, noting that the renovation had been poorly planned. He also reassured residents, stating that the issue would be corrected promptly.

List of Popular Cars Unable to Park

The reduced size of the parking spaces has highlighted a wider trend: modern cars are larger than those of previous decades. Several popular vehicle models, which are now commonly seen on British roads, simply cannot fit into these spaces. Among the affected vehicles are family cars and SUVs, which, despite being common choices in the UK, exceed the width of the newly marked parking bays. Here are some of the popular vehicles that cannot park in these narrow spaces:

  • Volkswagen Golf – Width: 1.79 metres
  • Ford Focus – Width: 1.83 metres
  • BMW 3 Series – Width: 1.83 metres
  • Hyundai i30 – Width: 1.79 metres
  • Mercedes-Benz C-Class – Width: 1.81 metres
  • Ford Mondeo – Width: 1.85 metres
  • BMW X5 – Width: 1.93 metres
  • Range Rover Sport – Width: 1.98 metres

These cars, among the most popular in the UK, far exceed the 1.7-metre width of the parking bays in Goole. As a result, drivers are forced to look for alternative parking spaces or opt for larger parking areas.

The Average Car Size Has Increased

This situation raises a larger question: why haven’t parking spaces been adjusted to accommodate the increasing size of cars? In recent years, cars have grown larger, particularly with the rising popularity of SUVs and mid-sized saloon cars. Vehicles like the BMW X5 or the Range Rover Sport, which have become common choices, are often incompatible with parking spaces that have not been redesigned to accommodate them.

Local authorities, including the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, have acknowledged their mistake and promised to rectify the situation. However, this issue also brings to light a broader concern about urban planning and how cities are adapting their infrastructure to meet the needs of a growing number of motorists.

For now, residents and businesses in Goole will have to wait for a resolution, while other communities may soon find themselves facing similar issues.

1 thought on “16 Popular Cars That Won’t Fit in UK Parking Spaces Anymore – Is Yours on the List?”

  1. You seem to be scare-mongering and basing your views on limited and incorrect information. Please do your research properly and get your facts right.
    1. UK design standards have had carpark spaces at 2.3m min. and 2.4m preferred for over 40 years.
    2. Parking spaces need to be wider than car widths, to allow space to open the doors and tolerance on people’s parking, things you don’t mention.

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