UK Weather: Early June ‘Heatwave’ Brings Mediterranean Conditions Throughout the Country

Arezki Amiri Profile
By Arezki AMIRI Published on 26 May 2024 18:58
Early June 'heatwave' Brings Mediterranean Conditions Throughout The Uk

Some regions of the UK could soon be hit by a brief Mediterranean heatwave, with temperatures reaching as high as 23°C. Forecasts suggest that some lucky Britons could experience this temperature rise within a few days.

Scotland to Enjoy the Highest Temperatures

Mild temperatures are expected to peak around June 3, particularly in Scotland. WX weather maps indicate that Perth could see maximum temperatures of 23°C, while Dundee and Edinburgh will also enjoy warmer weather, with temperatures reaching 20°C.

Central Scotland is expected to be the warmest region, while other parts of the UK will be relatively cooler. London and Birmingham, for example, are expected to reach 17°C.

Scotland Is Set To Be Warmer Than The Rest Of The Uk On 3 June (wx Maps).

A Met Office spokesman highlighted the potential for fluctuating weather conditions in early June: "The signal for the establishment of a significant high (or low) pressure regime remains elusive, suggesting that the weather could remain quite changeable throughout June, with regional variations.

Weather Forecasts Warn of a Heatwave

Ahead of the expected heatwave, the UK is under yellow weather alerts for heavy rain and thunderstorms. These alerts are in force in England, Wales and Scotland on Sunday, with an additional alert for the south of Scotland on Bank Holiday Monday.

The warning for southern regions predicts that heavy showers and thunderstorms could cause disruption from 10am to 7pm on Sunday, affecting areas such as London, Oxford, Bath, and as far south as Exeter in the south-west.

The south of Scotland is subject to another rain warning from 1pm to midnight on Sunday.

The Met Office warned of the risk of flooding homes and roads, and said travel was likely to be disrupted, with longer journey times for bus and train services.

Current Weather Warnings with Historical Trends

Historically, July is the hottest month in the UK, while June is generally the sunniest. However, summer rainfall can be highly variable across the country.

According to the Met Office, "the highest summer temperatures tend to be in London and the south-east, with the coolest conditions in Scotland and the north of England".

The UK can experience blocking high pressure systems during the summer, which can lead to prolonged hot spells and scorching conditions."

For the remainder of the bank holiday and the end of May, the outlook is expected to be "cooler and windier" for most areas.

The Met Office said, "Heavier showers are expected to concentrate over Scotland and possibly north-east England, with intense low-velocity showers likely to cause flooding and localised disruption.

Arezki Amiri Profile

Writer, Graphic Editor, and Tech Enthusiast.

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